Summer Special | Pablo Sarabia

Pablo Sarabia cites the Molineux victory over Tottenham Hotspur in November as the turning point in his Wolves career.

The Spaniard found minutes difficult to come by during the opening three months of his first full Wolves campaign, but trailing 1-0, Gary O’Neil turned to Sarabia in the 87th minute for a moment of inspiration against Spurs.

The 32-year-old duly delivered, producing a stunning piece of control and finish, which turned out to be the club’s Goal of the Season, before laying on an injury time winner for Mario Lemina.

That assist was one of 10 the attacker laid on for others over the course of the season, where he evolved into a key player and earned a recall to the Spain set-up, and with a potential Euro 2024 call up and a new Wolves season on the horizon, he’s excited for the future.

On his first full Wolves season

“I’ve enjoyed it a lot. This season wasn’t a very easy season for us because there was a lot of change at the beginning of the season, with a change of coach, but we’ve done everything to continue in the Premier League, and because of this I’m very proud of this team.

“I’m very proud of me because I had to work a lot and to adapt my way of playing to play here. I’m very happy here, my family as well.”

On adapting to his surroundings

“I needed to adapt to the Premier League, this kind of league, but also the ideas of the coach and the city. Everything is hard, but now I think it’s a very good moment for me, for my family, for everyone because we’ve adapted in difficult situations, but we did and because of this I’m very happy here.”

On his key moment

“Tottenham was a crazy game. It was very exciting, and because of this it was my favourite. It was a very good moment for me and made a difference for the season, and I was very happy for that moment.

“I enjoy it when I score – I enjoy it a lot for me and for the team, because I’m helping the team, but I liked the assist because we got the victory, and this moment was very exciting for the team and for the club.

“Always I try to see this kind of pass, and because of this Mario knows me and he decided to go to the space at that moment."

On returning to Spain set-up

“It’s difficult, but for me I’m ready to play with the national team again. I enjoyed each moment I go with the national team. Maybe [the Euros] – we will have to work a lot and we’ll see in the summer. I’ll wait and work – that’s my profession.”
